Wednesday, March 15, 2023

5 Ways To Invest In Silver

Above, 2022 Canadian Maple Leaf silver coins. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

More states are changing their tax laws on gold and silver by removing sales taxes on these precious metals and recognizing them as money instead of commodities. A bill has been introduced in the Texas Senate is a recent example.

Since our financial system is going haywire due to idiotic Federal Reserve policies, people are turning to gold and silver as a hedge against inflation.

Since gold is over $1,900/troy ounce, silver at $22.15/troy ounce spot price (currently) is a lot more affordable and is attracting buyers.

Yahoo! Finance has posted an article on five ways to invest in silver.

They begin it with:

Precious metals such as silver have long been an alternative to traditional investments such as stocks and bonds. When times get tough or the economy faces severe inflationary pressures, some investors turn to silver to hedge their bets or to invest more defensively. Silver prices spiked in March 2023 following the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, as concerns were raised about the stability of the financial system.

Investors like silver for many reasons, but many see it as a store of value in uncertain times, while others see silver and other precious metals such as gold as protection against inflation. For this latter group, investing in silver is a way to be sure that they have a currency that can’t be inflated away by money printing or potentially destructive Federal Reserve policy.

There are a number of ways to invest in silver, from owning it outright to owning shares in companies that produce it. Here are five of the best ways to invest in silver.

To read more, go here

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