Thursday, March 23, 2023

7 Unexplained UFO Sightings

Above, one unexplained sighing was the March 1997 Phoenix Lights. Video capture by Lynne D. Kitel.

Flying saucers (or UFOs) have been spotted in the skies for hundreds of years, even as far back as the days of the Pilgrims.

Most have been explained away. Some have not been explained and are still mysteries.

The Daily Mail of the United Kingdom has an article of seven mysterious UFO sightings that are still unexplained.

They begin with:

From surveillance balloons to metallic orbs, over the past few weeks it seems like bizarre objects are falling out the sky left, right and centre.

Scientists are able to debunk most of these instances, like how a blue spiral that appeared over Hawaii last month was actually just a SpaceX launch.

However, some of them still do not have a logical explanation to this day, including the apparent 'flying saucer' that flew over a school in Australia in 1966.

The silvery white webs that fell on the heads of local football fans from an egg-shaped craft in Italy in 1954 also remain a mystery.

MailOnline takes a closer look at the seven weirdest unidentified flying object - or UFO - sightings, that are still yet to be explained.

To read more, go here

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