Sunday, March 26, 2023

Aztec, New Mexico: The Other UFO Crash

Almost a year after the Roswell UFO Incident, another purported UFO crash took place near Aztec, New Mexico.

This one allegedly occurred on or about March 25, 1948 on a mesa near the town. Some say this incident was a hoax, while others aren't so sure of that. The crashed UFO was allegedly 100 feet in diameter and contained 16 alien bodies.

From the Albuquerque Journal:

Aztec, New Mexico, with a population of about 6,500, is a tidy community a few miles east of Farmington.

The nearby Aztec Ruins National Monument stands monumentally still. The Aztec Museum and Pioneer Village features such century-ago items as a historic barbershop, antique telephone equipment, various fossils and minerals.

Something else, something much darker, draws tourists to here.

On the night of March 25, 1948, a flying saucer allegedly crash-landed on a lonely mesa in Hart Canyon, four miles distant. There’s a plaque where it put down.

Folks as far away as those who lived in Cedar Hill, 10 miles northeast of Aztec, were said to have heard the crash. But that fact was never verified.

As the above states, there is a plaque at the location of the crash. There is a website with a photo of the crash site and the plaque's text. To access it, go here

Back in 2018, I attended the annual Gallup UFO Film Festival and the festival's founder, Chuck Wade, discussed the Aztec incident. To see my blog post on this, go here.

If anyone hasn't heard of the Aztec UFO crash, here's an except from a 1998 Los Angeles Times article:

Turns out that, compared to Aztec, Roswell was small potatoes. Whereas that mother of all crash cover-ups “produced” only a couple of alien bodies, this one involved 16. Aside from that difference, the tale follows the classic pattern of UFO-conspiracy folklore: A disc-shaped craft was recovered intact; security was ratcheted to tourniquet level; debris and corpses were removed by the military and all evidence of the crash eradicated; the bodies were autopsied; a top-secret program was created to study and duplicate the craft’s technology. Sound familiar?

 To read the full Albuquerque Journal article, go here.

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