Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Godzilla Weather Vane Mounted

Above, the Godzilla weather vane after mounting. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Thanks to Nandoh, one of my Jamestown, New Mexico friends, the Godzilla weather vane is now mounted on the garage roof.

I would have done it myself as I set out to do so, by my dislike of heights (acrophobia) kept me from it. I don't know if it is full-blown acrophobia, but it's enough to stop me from getting from a ladder to the roof. I am able to tolerate heights of around 12 feet, but nothing further.

It only took Nandoh a few minutes to get the weather vane mounted. It is at a position where I can see it from the kitchen dinette window. 

Above, the view from the kitchen dinette. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

After that was done and the ladder and tools put away, I fired up the Jeep, mower (after a jump-start) and mini bike. 

I drove the Jeep around the block a couple of times after cleaning its spark plugs. It was a little rough in first gear. In second gear it seemed to run fine, but it runs rough again in third gear. Cleaning the spark plugs helped a little, but it needs to be looked at by a mechanic. While tinkering with the Jeep, I let the mower run for about 45 minutes to charge up the battery. It won't actually be needed for mowing until next month or in May. There were no issues with the mini bike.

The weather was nice today and it was the first time I really didn't need to wear a jacket.

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