Thursday, March 30, 2023

Gun Control Activists Storm Tennessee State Capitol

Above, gun control activists storm Tennessee Capitol.

Left-wing anti-gunners stormed the Tennessee legislature today. It took a British media outlet to tell the truth.

The Daily Mail posted:

Gun control activists were seen storming Tennessee's State Capitol Thursday amid rising fears of a left-wing uprising at a rumored protest in Washington, DC.

Footage of the ongoing insurrection, posted to social media just before 2pm, shows progressive protesters attempting to enter the Nashville legislation building, and being batted away by several members of the city's sheriff's department.

Such dramatics were not exclusive to Nashville, however - as feelings of unrest continue to boil over after a recent mass shooting at a city school involving a transgender gunman who once attended the institution.

Bo Snerdley said it best at Twitter:

When liberals storm a legislative house - like in Tennessee today - the MSM doesn't talk about the end of Democracy.  Will the FBI track down every single one of these insurrectionists -and put them in jail?  Will Biden call them terrorists?

To read more, go here.

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