Monday, March 6, 2023

Last Mile Motorcycle Hearse Company

Above, the trailer containing the motorcycle hearse. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

While Mitch Geriminsky and I were staying at a motel when we attended the National Money Show in Phoenix, we saw an interesting trailer.

It was for a hearse of Last Mile Motorcycle Hearse Company. If a loved one is to go out in style, this would be a way to do it.

Above, the hearse. Photo by Armand Vaquer

The hearse plays music and can display a photo of the deceased. 

The operators were putting the wheel fenders on the hearse and we walked over to chat with them. They are based in Las Vegas, Nevada and can go pretty much anywhere in the Western United States. They were in town for a funeral service.

According to their brochure, their services include:

  • H2 Hummer Pulled Coach
  • Casket or Urn
  • Music Included
  • UrnArk Included 

For more information, go to


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