Thursday, March 2, 2023

Morning Snow

Above, the front yard and The Beast this morning. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Since it is now daybreak in New Mexico, I was able to see how much snow we got (it is still snowing) overnight.

In some places, it looks like 2-3" of it, but on the walkway, it looks like about a quarter of an inch. So it is a little hard to tell exactly how much fell.

Above, the deck and deck furniture this morning. In the background, the county
sheriff was making his morning patrol of our subdivision. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

I am guessing that most of it will probably be gone by this afternoon. The Weather Channel app on my phone indicates that it will have stopped by 1:00 this afternoon. 

I took the photos that accompany this blog post a few minutes ago. It is currently 27° outside.

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