Monday, March 27, 2023

National Money Show Attendance Numbers

Above, the main entrance to the National Money Show. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

It is hard to believe that the National Money Show in Phoenix was almost four weeks ago.

Mitch Geriminsky and I attended on Saturday, March 4 and had a good time looking around and purchasing some coins.

Numismatic News posted the attendance numbers for the show. 

They wrote:

The recent American Numismatic Association’s 2023 National Money Show in Phoenix, Ariz., was attended by 4,306, 1,900 of whom were not ANA members. According to ANA statistics, the number of non-members attending the event was greater than the number of members who live in Arizona. The March 4-5 “Ship of Gold” auction conducted by Holabird Western Americana Collections included about 7,000 online bidders including people from Canada, Europe and South America. It’s statistics such as these that demonstrate just how intense the interest in collectible coins has become.

I joined the ANA while at the show.

Next year's show will be held in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

To read more, go here

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