Friday, March 10, 2023

NM Democrats Pass Anti-Gun Bill

A gun forced to have a "safety device" or locked up in a safe is useless if someone should break into one's home and fast action is needed for self-defense. 

The New Mexico legislature passed a bill that forces just that. This is the first anti-Second Amendment bill to pass the New Mexico legislature during this session. Gov. "Malevolent Michelle" Lujan Grisham indicated she will sign the bill.

It violates one's Second Amendment rights to self-defense. Hopefully, this will be subjected to lawsuits and overthrown.

From PiƱon Post:

On Wednesday, the New Mexico House of Representatives concurred with changes to an anti-gun bill that were made in the state Senate, sending H.B. 9 by Rep. Pamelya Herndon (D-Bernalillo) to Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s desk.

The bill would force citizens to lock up their firearms in “a gun safe or a device that prevents a firearm from being discharged or from being used to expel a projectile by the action of an explosion or a device other than a gun safe that locks a firearm and is designed to prevent children and unauthorized users from firing a firearm, which device may be installed on a firearm, be incorporated into the design of the firearm or prevent access to the firearm.”

If the gun owner does not lock up any and all firearms and their gun is somehow used in an offense by a minor causing “great bodily harm” or death, the parent of that child could be made a felon if the victim of the crime is killed or permanently disabled.

The bill included an amendment from the state Senate that created an exception for minors who have the “authorization of the minor’s parent or guardian for lawful hunting, lawful recreational use or any other lawful purpose.” The “lawful purpose” language would likely keep some people out of jail for not following the vague and confusing law.

This bill, if signed by the governor, does not affect me as no minors live in my home and none have visited since I moved to New Mexico. I always have a gun at the ready if needed.

Still, it is a stupid bill. This places people in jeopardy. When seconds count, police are minutes away..

To read more, go here.


  1. Political Suicide...attacking everyone and not the Criminals

  2. Similar laws in other states have already been deemed unconstitutional per Heller and Bruen Supreme Court decisions.
