Wednesday, March 8, 2023

NMSSA Legislative Alert 3/7/23


Several anti-Second Amendment bills are scheduled to be heard tomorrow. First, we have been told that HB9 will be heard on the Floor of the House again for a concurrence vote. The bill would impose criminal penalties on a gun owner if a minor uses their firearm to commit a crime or hurt someone. The concurrence vote has to take place as it was amended on the senate side after passing the house side. You can use this link to send a pre-drafted email to state representatives asking them to oppose the bill.

Second, the House Judiciary Committee will be hearing SB44 tomorrow. The bill would ban the carrying of firearms, both open and concealed, within 100ft of a polling place while voting is taking place. The committee will also be hearing HB306 which would replicate federal straw purchase law in New Mexico state law - a straw purchase is the act of purchasing a firearm from a FFL with the intent of giving it, or selling it, to someone the purchaser knows is a prohibited possessor. The committee meeting will start at 1:30pm, or later, in Room 309 (Zoom Link).

Third, the Senate Judiciary Committee will be hearing both SB427 and SB428. SB427 is another version of a 14-day waiting period for firearm purchases. Here is a pre-drafted email opposing SB427SB428 would make it easier to sue gun manufacturers and retailers in New Mexico. At the bill's first committee hearing, several New Mexico gun store owners testified they would not be able to obtain insurance to operate in New Mexico if the bill passes. Here is a pre-drafted email opposing SB428. The committee meeting will start at 1:30pm, or 1/2 hour after the end of the senate floor session, in Room 321 (Zoom Link). To provide testimony to the committee or to sign up to testify, please email: 

We have less then two weeks left in the 2023 legislative session. We must keep up the pressure against all bad bills if we are going to stop them. Both HB100 and HB101 have been sitting dormant for a few weeks now, but they are still alive and could be voted on anytime. Please help us keep up the pressure against the bills.

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