Sunday, March 19, 2023

Only One Anti-Gun Bill Reached NM Governor's Desk

Above, the January 2020 Second Amendment Rally at the Capitol. Expect another
 one if a special session is called by the governor. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

New Mexico's law-abiding gun owners got through this year's legislative session pretty lucky.

Only one anti-gun bill managed to reach the governor's desk. That was HB 9, the bill mandating the lock-up of firearms. It has a snowball's chance in hell of surviving a constitutional challenge.

Given the make-up of both houses of the legislature, predominantly Democrat, we made out pretty well. The only real question is whether or not the governor calls for a special session to take up more anti-Second Amendment legislation.

According to Piñon Post:

On Saturday at noon, the New Mexico House and Senate adjourned from the 2023 Legislative Session. The adjournment meant the death of many anti-gun proposals that would have restricted citizens’ constitutional rights. Only one bill, H.B. 9, mandating the lockup of firearms, passed and was signed by Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham.

The dead gun-grabbing legislation includes S.B. 44 banning citizens from carrying a firearm within 100 feet of a polling place during an election, S.B. 428 targeting firearm retailers and manufacturers with frivolous lawsuits, H.B. 100 banning most firearms over 10-round capacity, and H.B. 101 mandating a 14-day waiting period before firearm purchases.

S.B. 427, which is similar to H.B. 101 banning magazine capacity, died, while S.B. 116, mandating a person must be 21 to purchase a firearm, did not make it across the finish line.

Thanks goes out to the Republican caucuses of both houses of the legislature and common sense Democrats who helped defeat the anti-gun bills.

If a special session is called by the governor to pass anti-gun bills, plans are underway to hold a massive rally at the Capitol by pro-Second Amendment citizens.

To read more, go here.

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