Thursday, March 9, 2023

Silver Spot Price Today (So Far)

Above, silver spot price this morning.

At present, the silver spot price is roughly where yesterday left off (maybe a smidgeon higher).

We will see where the spot price will go today. It did go below $20.00/toz at times yesterday. It will be interesting so see where it goes today.

This is actually good for people who are looking to buy. Most dealers base their prices on the spot price plus their overhead & profit markups. Just shop around to find the best deals.

Even though silver is down from where it was, precious metals won't lose value like fiat paper currencies.

Speaking of which, The Federalist blog has an article and video on "Hyper Inflation - Should You Own Gold or Silver?" It is an interesting read for those sitting on the fence on buying gold or silver. 

To read it (along with video), go here.

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