Monday, March 20, 2023

Things To Buy Before Hyperinflation Hits

Preparing for the possibility of hyperinflation is something nobody really thinks about or, if they do, wants to.

Given the topsy-turvy times we are in with bank collapses, inflation, war and moronic leadership in Washington, preparing for hyperinflation just may be forced upon us. 

What is hyperinflation?

According to Survival Sullivan:

For those unfamiliar, hyperinflation is simply a period of extremely high, accelerating inflation. Inflation is nothing but an overall increase in the cost of goods and services.

Hence, hyperinflation is inflation that is going really high, really fast. Hyperinflation is also a common (though not guaranteed) sign of a true economic depression.

Survival Sullivan has an article listing the 14 things one should buy before hyperinflation hits.

They begin it with:

Out of all of the many disasters that you might prepare for, one of the least thrilling but most likely and certainly most devastating is a financial disaster.

Hyperinflation is one word that most financially-savvy people are familiar with, and also one that can make you shiver with the dread suggestion of it.

You might have plenty of money stashed in your piggy bank or in your checking account, but when a dollar suddenly buys only a dime’s worth and less all the time, you will be in the middle of a real economic collapse.

Having the right goods and other material preps on hand ahead of time can lessen the severity of hyperinflation, and this article will tell you what they are.

The first item on their list is:

1. Precious Metals

One of the very best hedges against inflation, and a universally valuable asset. Precious metals have, can, and will continue to serve as genuine currencies in most societies the world over. Our fiat paper currency might be suitable only for use as kindling or toilet paper during a period of pronounced hyperinflation, but precious metals will remain meaningfully valuable.

The trick, of course, is investing in precious metals well ahead of time because you probably won’t even be able to buy them during a period of hyperinflation at any cost.

That, and making sure you have small enough denominations or quantities to make trade for equivalent quantities of needed goods straightforward.

To see what the other 13 items are, go here

I would add a 15th item: guns and plenty of ammunition. If such a calamity should happen, defending one's self and family against marauding gangs is in order. 

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