Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Yesterday's Awakening of Gold and Silver

With the collapse of two banks last week, the financial world in the U.S. had a bad case of the jitters yesterday.

While Wall Street was down (but not as down as it could have been), precious metals were up...bigtime! I am glad that I bought silver while it was down during the previous weeks. (Remember: Buy Low, Sell High!)

During the previous weeks, both gold and silver were in a state of malaise (Holy Jimmy Carter!) in anticipation of what the Federal Reserve might do in regard to interest rates. But the bank collapses changed all that and woke up gold and silver. People were beating down the doors to buy gold and silver.

Silver rose around 6% and gold rose around 2% during the day. 

Today, this is where silver's spot price is at:

And, this is where gold's spot price is at:

It will be interesting to see how things shape up today.

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