Sunday, April 9, 2023

Background Checks On RVers By Campgrounds, RV Parks

Here's something I've never heard of before: Background checks on RVers by campgrounds and RV parks.

Apparently, this practice has been going on for a bit. It is particularly more frequent for RVers for extended stays (such as snowbirds).

RV Travel has posted an article on this.

They begin it with:

“Can you believe it?!” Robin searched the faces of folks gathered around the campfire. “It will cost me twenty dollars for the Florida campground to run a background check on me! Whoever heard of a ridiculous background check for camping!” Have you heard of RV parks performing background checks?

It was something new to my husband and me. But other folks around the fire acknowledged they’d also experienced this phenomenon during their travels. “It’s pretty common,” Jake said. “Especially if you plan to stay for an extended period of time.”

“I don’t blame campgrounds,” Mike added. “We’ve camped in places where I kinda’ wished they’d have run background checks on some of my neighbors!” He chuckled and indicated the three families who were caravanning with him.

The conversation got me thinking: When did campgrounds begin the practice of running background checks for potential campers? Why do campgrounds do it? Do campgrounds ever refuse folks based on the outcome of these checks? What kind of personal information must a camper provide for the check? How can I trust that my information will not be compromised?

 To read more, go here.

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