Thursday, April 20, 2023

California Woke Mob Coming for Marilyn Monroe!

Above, Marilyn Monroe's crypt at Westwood Village Memorial Park. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

During each passing day, more and more idiots come out of California's woodwork.

Now the California woke mob is going after Marilyn Monroe (or at least her statue in Palm Springs).

Here's the latest from the "Land of Fruits & Nuts".

From For The Love of News:

Marilyn Monroe is under attack! Or at least the 26-foot statue in Palm Springs, California is. The statue, called “Forever Marilyn” that stands in front of the Palm Springs Art Museum and is the target of a group of woke nutjobs that call themselves the Committee to Relocate Marilyn. I think a better idea would be to relocate the wokesters, but I don’t get a say.

As if Civil War statues weren’t enough, Marilyn is going to get the cancel culture treatment if these people get their way. Check this out.  

Perhaps there are bigger fish to fry than a statue of Marilyn Monroe if you are truly concerned about objectifying women? Isn’t California the home state of the porn industry? Aren’t sneaky dudes still taking trophies from real female athletes and creeping their locker rooms? Thought so. Perhaps a statue should be on the back burner until some real work is done to protect women and women’s rights. Nah, of course not. It is much easier to rage against an inanimate object as opposed to a faker in a wig and lipstick. Much safer as well.

After you're done shaking your head in disbelief, to read the full story, go here.

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