Saturday, April 15, 2023

Fun In Tombstone

Following the plaque dedication at Boot Hill Graveyard, I took a stroll to the historical district of Tombstone. 

Once I got there, I took a stagecoach tour of the area. The driver pointed out many sites of shootouts and what businesses existed back in the 1800s and what ones took their places today.  

Afterwards,  I wandered in different shops. I went into Madame Mustache's Old Tyme Parlor and had a photo taken in period garb.

The photo below was emailed to me. I bought an enlargement of the photo, but in sepia tone. I'll post it once I get home and scan it.

I have to get it framed and figure out where to hang it.

Above, yours truly in "Virgil Earp" garb.

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