Saturday, April 29, 2023

New Mexico’s 4/20 Pot Sales Grew Like A Weed

It is funny. 

Last year, the state of New Mexico legalized the recreational use of marijuana and then put out public service announcements (PSA) warning people that people stoned on pot should not get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle. Well, they brought this upon themselves so they shouldn't complain.

Prior to the legalization, marijuana was available at dispensaries for medical use only.

Well, at least the dispensaries (and, I presume, the state with associated taxes) are making a profit on pot sales.

From the Piñon Post:

On April 20, marijuana smokers, dispensaries, and advocates celebrated the “420” holiday that praises the consumption of pot. In New Mexico, the formerly contraband drug was legalized beginning on April 1, 2022.

In 2022, New Mexico pot sales on the unofficial stoner holiday hit $1.12 million, according to Albuquerque Business First. However, in 2023, those numbers grew exponentially.

New Mexico sales of marijuana on April 20, 2023, rose 86 percent from last year to hit $2.82 million.

“This year’s 4/20 average transaction total was $50.28, up from the March average of $44.60. Hobbs recorded the highest average transaction size at $94.96,” reported the outlet.

To read more, go here

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