Sunday, April 2, 2023

Visitor Spending In Japan Jumped Sevenfold In 2022

Above, Tokyo's Nakamise Street shopping area in Asakusa. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Since the restrictions of the pandemic have been lifted in Japan last October, tourists coming into the country have aided the economy with their spending.

Japan Today has posted that spending by foreign visitors in Japan has increased sevenfold in 2022.

They wrote:

TOKYO - Spending by foreign visitors to Japan in 2022 grew sharply from the year before to 898.7 billion yen as arrivals began increasing from October when border restrictions, initially imposed due to the coronavirus pandemic, were eased, according to a government survey.

The figure was 7.4 times higher than the 120.8 billion yen spent in 2021, the lowest amount recorded since comparable data became available in 2010, but still down 81.3 percent from the 4.8 trillion yen recorded in 2019, the highest spending ever by overseas travelers.

According to the Japan Tourism Agency survey, the average expenditure per person was 234,524 yen, a 47.9 percent increase from 2019.

The government on Friday announced a basic plan to promote tourism in the country. Without setting a specific time limit, the aim is for 5 trillion yen in annual expenditures by foreign arrivals.

To read more, go here

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