Thursday, May 11, 2023

At Six Mile Canyon Today

Above, at the corral. The road on the right goes into the canyon. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Today I went to Six Mile Canyon.

On the way, I stopped at the old corral at the canyon's entrance to take a few pictures. While there, a man drove up and told me his dog was with him in the canyon the day before and it spotted a rabbit and took off after it.

They couldn't get him back. So he spent most of the morning searching for his dog.

He described it as a small Labrador-type black dog named "Trigger" (just remember Roy Rogers's horse to remember the name). We exchanged phone numbers in case the dog is found. I suggested he notify the Mount Taylor Ranger and the McKinley County Sheriff as both patrol the canyon.

Above, from inside the entrance gate looking north. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

I later posted a notice on our Jamestown Community Board on Facebook and one resident responded saying he saw a dog that matched the description on his property near the water tanks on Birch Road at 8:00 this morning. I passed this on to the owner.

I proceeded into the canyon and was on the lookout for the dog. But I didn't see him.

Hopefully the dog will be found soon. 

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