Thursday, May 11, 2023

CA Reparations Committee Wants Apology For Reagan's "Welfare Queen" Term

Above, Ronald and Nancy Reagan at the Town & Country
Hotel in San Diego, September 1979. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The Democrat Party, who has a stranglehold on California's state government, has sunk into a deeper abyss of stupidity with their "reparations task force".

Along with recommending paying millions to the state's blacks, they want a formal state apology for then-Gov. Ronald Reagan's coinage of  the term, "welfare queen". The term was used in relation to people who engaged in welfare fraud in the state.

From Fox News:

California's reparations task force is calling on the Golden State to issue a formal apology for former Gov. Ronald Reagan coining the term "welfare queen" and for a disproportionately low number of Black Californians working as doctors and lawyers as part of a broader effort to make amends for slavery and racism.

The task force, which was created by state legislation signed by incumbent Gov. Gavin Newsom in 2020, formally approved over the weekend its final recommendations to the California Legislature, which will then decide whether to implement the measures and send them to the governor's desk to be signed into law.

Among the recommendations is for California to issue a formal apology enacted by the legislature and signed by the governor for slavery and anti-Black racism.

"The legislature must apologize on behalf of the state of California and the people of California for the perpetration of gross human rights violations and genocide of Africans who were enslaved and their descendants through public apology, requests for forgiveness, censure of state perpetrators, and tributes to victims," the task force writes in its proposal.

California never allowed slavery in its history, but pro-reparations advocates argue the state still worked to uphold the institution and discriminated in other ways against Black Americans.

I'm glad I moved out of that crazy state!

To read more, go here

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