Sunday, May 7, 2023

Here We Go Again

 Here we go again.

Marriott International is not a "Johnny come lately" to woke advertising unlike Anheuser-Busch. For the past several years (at least since 2014), some of their ads have been targeting for LGBTQ clients. That's all fine and dandy.

As far as I am concerned, what someone does in their bedroom (or, in this case, hotel room) is their business. But we're seeing a constant bombardment of such advertising focusing on "alternative lifestyles". I, and many others, are tired of seeing it. There seems to be a campaign to make such lifestyles (or behaviors) mainstream. 

This ad popped up on Facebook:

If one approves of such advertising, that's fine. But if one objects to such advertising, that's fine as well. They shouldn't be surprised if they get major flak over it.

Apparently they haven't learned anything from the Bud Light experience. 


  1. I don't equate what Marriott is doing with the Bud Light fiasco. Like you, I don't feel it's my business what other consenting adults care to do, but the "transgender" issue is a different matter. A man can dress up as a woman and pretend to be a woman but that doesn't mean that I and the rest of society must pretend to believe that he actually is a woman. Reality does not conform to what any particular person believes or feels. Ideally the reverse is true, and if what a person believes or feels does not conform with reality, then the person is either mistaken or mentally ill. "Transgenderism" is a direct attack on people's understanding of the nature of reality, and Bud Light has chosen to be a part of that.

  2. My beef is with the constant bombardment of advertising of these "alternate lifestyles" trying to make them mainstream, not particularly with the lifestyles themselves. So far, from what I can tell, they haven't taken any flak. But they should not be surprised if any come their way. That's how I compare them to Bud Light. Otherwise, I totally agree with you.
