Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Jeep At The Mechanic's

Above, after getting it ready for the tow truck. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Once I got the final word on when the tow truck would be arriving to pick up the Jeep to take it to my mechanic's in Gallup, I started it and ran it for about 30 minutes to give the battery a good charge.

Strangely, when the tow truck arrived, the Jeep conked out. Maybe that will help the mechanic to figure out what's going on with it. 

I got this shot of it as the tow truck was on the on-ramp of Interstate 40 (I was on my way to our usual gathering at the Flying J):

I already made the appointment at the mechanic's last week for the repair work. So I didn't have to go with it. 

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