Monday, May 15, 2023

New RVer Potentially Dangerous Mistakes

Above, dry camping at Ashurst Lake Dispersed Campground. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

There's nothing in this life that doesn't come with potential annoying or dangerous mistakes. This goes for being a new RVer.

Seasoned RVers learn over time and things become second nature. For newbies, mistakes are bound to happen (I've made some).

RV Life has a list of potentially dangerous mistakes new RVers can and do make.

They begin with:

The camping world is full of seasoned RVers and new RVers alike. It’s easy to get lost in the jargon, especially when everybody else already seems to know what they’re doing. Unfortunately, this means that new RVers may be unaware of potential dangers that experienced travelers already know to avoid.

If you’re new to this lifestyle, don’t worry! Everybody starts somewhere, and there’s always more to learn. An RV is a complex system that requires special care and management. Those who are just starting out need basic guidelines to keep themselves and their vehicle safe.

We’re here to help you out. Follow the tips below to avoid dangerous mistakes during your first few trips. It might seem overwhelming at first, but soon all of these habits will become second nature!

To read more, go here

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