Friday, May 19, 2023

UFO Over Roswell This Week

Roswell still seems to be of great interest to extra-terrestrials or somebody.

A strange-looking UFO was seen Wednesday over Roswell. It was described as a zeppelin on its side.

From the PiƱon Post:

On Wednesday morning, an unidentified flying object (UFO) in the shape of a zeppelin turned on its side was spotted floating over Roswell, New Mexico.

Multiple people shared videos of the unidentified object:

Some estimated the object to be anywhere from 15 to 20 feet in length, with footage showing people ducking in front of the frame, indicating it is not something that could have been done via computer-generated imaging (CGI).

Roswell is famous for the July 1947 UFO incident and is home of the International UFO Museum and Research Center and the annual UFO Festival.

To read more and see more videos, go here.

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