Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Valuable 1943 Lincoln Steel Pennies

Above, 1943 steel Lincoln pennies. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

When I had a strongbox opened at a locksmith's last year, items inside included some World War II-era steel Lincoln pennies from 1943.

I already had some steel pennies in my collection. But having more are most certainly welcome.

Most 1943 steel Lincoln pennies are just worth face value or, maybe, a few cents more. But there are some that can be worth thousands.

Woman's World posted an article on what steel 1943 Lincoln pennies are valuable.

They start it with:

If you’re like most of us, you don’t assume your coins will be worth a lot of money. At least, not more than 25 cents. But because coins have been minted in this nation for a long time, and because they’re exchanged frequently, you may easily end up with a coin that’s worth more than its face value. One of those coins? A penny from 1943 — but not all pennies from that year. Keep reading to learn more about the 1943 steel penny, and which ones could net you some extra cash. 

To read the article, go here

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