Saturday, May 13, 2023

"Winnebago Man" Dies At 93

Some years ago, I saw a video of outtakes of a man making Winnebago commercials.

To say that the outtakes were profanity-laced would be an understatement. But, the thing was, they were funny.

RV Travel reported that the "Winnebago Man" has passed away:

Jack Rebney, the foul-mouthed Winnebago pitchman made famous in one of America’s first viral YouTube videos, died Wednesday at age 93 in southern Oregon. It was 1988 when Rebney was hired to do a series of commercials introducing new Winnebago motorhomes. After the shoot, the crew put together a compilation of profanity-laced outtakes which ended up on YouTube. To his millions of fans Rebney became known as the “angriest man in America.” He was later featured in the documentary “Winnebago Man.” will have more about Rebney in an upcoming article. Our technical advisor Dave Solberg was a part of the crew that shot the commercials and will share his memories about the filming and the Winnebago Man himself.

Here's one video (parental guidance suggested):

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