Sunday, June 25, 2023

5 Everyday Japan Experiences To Try

Above, shopping at a konbini is one suggestion. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Now that Japan is fully open to foreign visitors, the usual attractions there beckon. But there are ordinary things to see and do while there. Those are worthwhile to do as well.

Japan Today has listed five everyday experiences one should try in Japan. I've done them all.

They begin with:

TOKYO - If you’re planning a trip to Japan, you no doubt have all the big sights on your list—traditional shops and streets around Kyoto, towering samurai castles, the iconic Mount. Fuji and much more. A good place to plan your trip is our very own GaijinPot Travel.

But for me, what really makes for an interesting travel experience are the smaller things that are mundane for people living in a country but novel and captivating for newcomers. So if you want to feel truly immersed in Japanese culture, check out these quintessential everyday experiences you might have left off your list.

Be sure to read the comments with the article. Some feel the list is silly, but others have better suggestions.

To read more, go here

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