Tuesday, June 6, 2023

55 Years Ago

While reading about the townhall meeting that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. attended yesterday, I noted he spoke about the assassination of his father and the aftermath in Los Angeles on June 5, 1968. 

I was reminded that our junior high school class was rehearsing our graduation ceremonies in the parking lot of Richard Henry Dana Intermediate School in Hawthorne, California on June 6. The school was only a few miles from Los Angeles International Airport. Our graduation ceremonies were later held at Leuzinger High School's football field.

While we were out in the parking lot, we saw many news helicopters flying over the airport. There were so many, it's a wonder none collided. Then Air Force Two, bearing the body of Sen. Robert Kennedy and his family took off (as a courtesy, President Johnson provided the plane for the Kennedy family). It seemed that air traffic at the airport was halted until Air Force Two departed. Once it did, the news helicopters dispersed from the airport area. 

Even though this took place 55 years ago, I remember it like it was yesterday. 

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