Saturday, June 24, 2023

9 Ways to a More Rewarding Retirement

Above, RV travel is one way to enjoy retirement.

As time goes on, retirement is on the horizon for more of the baby-boomer generation. As we move deeper in years, more baby boomers are starting retirement. The baby boomer generation is usually defined as people born from 1946 to 1964 (following the end of World War II).

I retired early eight years ago. I figured I'd better retire while my health was still excellent. It was a good thing that I did, as I had a heart issue crop up three years after retiring.

RisMedia has a list of nine ways to a more rewarding retirement, some of which I am doing.

They begin with:

No matter how long you’ve looked forward to retirement, cleaning out your desk for the last time can come as a bit of a shock—especially if you haven’t thought much about how you will spend your days beyond scuttling the alarm and sleeping in.

But, psychologists say, retirement these days can last for many years, and having a plan beyond the financial can extend it for many more.

To read more, go here

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