Thursday, June 29, 2023

Ex-CIA Agent Promoted to Meta/Facebook’s “Head of Election Policies”

If you thought that Mark Zuckerberg and company at Facebook/Meta will treat conservatives fairly in 2024 the elections, you'd best put that silly notion out of your head.

Zuckerberg and company has promoted an ex-CIA goon to "Head of Elections Policies". In other words, he will be in charge of censorship at Facebook.

From the Gateway Pundit:

As the Big-Tech censorship apparatus in social media continues to roll on at full steam ahead of the 2024 Election, a former 17-year veteran of the CIA, Aaron Berman, has reportedly been promoted to the “Head of Elections Policies” for Meta/Facebook.  Berman was a “Senior Analytic Manager (and various positions)” for the CIA from March 2002 thru July 2019.

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, infamously donated $440 million to the CTCL and other non-profits, including ERIC-founder David Becker’s CEIR to help “supplement” elections during COVID.  This money disproportionately went to Democrat strongholds, especially in the key swing states.

Facebook/Meta was also one of the social media platforms mentioned by the “Election Integrity Partnership” (EIP) and Stanford Internet Observatory in a report, which promoted the censoring of hundreds of thousands of posts and conservative voices from discussing events that occurred around the highly-suspect 2020 Election.  The report published by the EIP, titled “The Long Fuse”, laid out, among other things, how the government and election officials could use the EI-ISAC as a “singular conduit” for reporting ‘misinformation’ to social media platforms in an attempt to subvert the First Amendment protections of US citizens against government censorship.

Ironically, as mentioned in the article below from The Gateway Pundit, the EI-ISAC, a subsidiary of the Center for Internet Security (CIS), was also engaged in “securing” elections at the county level through the Dept. of Homeland Security.  DHS offered free security services to county election jurisdictions, many of which accepted the offer.

The release of the Twitter Files revealed a plethora of former government bureaucrats, many of them former intel agency employees, that transitioned to leadership roles within the social media companies and were often responsible for the censoring of the respective platform’s users.  In continuing with that trend, Berman, who was previously the “senior product policy manager for misinformation” at Meta, has reportedly been promoted to the “Head of Elections Policies.”

To read more, go here and here.

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