Thursday, June 8, 2023

John Wayne Cancer Foundation Returns To Ridgway September 23

Above, last year's Grit Series run in Ridgway, Colorado. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Last year, I headed up to Ridgway, Colorado to observe the John Wayne Cancer Foundation "Grit Series" marathons.

I had a good time watching the runners and especially enjoyed seeing locations used in True Grit (1969) along with meeting Patrick and Ethan Wayne. The Half Marathon and 5K was held near the location of the Ross family ranch in the movie.  I was impressed by the enthusiasm by the participants. The scenery of the area was worth the drive alone.

Above, the Grit Series van. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

After getting home, I made a donation to the Foundation in the memory of my father. I will be doing the same again this year in memory of Wellington "Bill" Wilson.

Above, yours truly with Patrick Wayne last year.

I like what the Foundation is doing in the battle against cancer and decided to head up again in September. This time, I signed up to volunteer to man an aid station along the course. The motorhome will come in handy for the aid station (the awning will be a help) since it has room for bringing the supplies. 

I'll be staying in Ridgway this year.

The Ridgway run date is September 23.

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