Tuesday, June 20, 2023

[Monsters In Tokyo] #3 Toho Studios Godzilla

Above, yours truly at the Toho Studios Godzilla statue in 2010.

The travel section of News On Japan has posted a page dedicated to Toho Studios in the Setagaya Ward outside of Tokyo.

Titled [Monsters In Tokyo] #3 Toho Studios Godzilla, it includes a map and the following promotional video on the studio:

I have been to Toho Studios several times, the first being in 2001 before the studio was renovated to better produce movies, television shows and commercials for the modern digital age. My most recent visit was in 2015.

There is currently a Godzilla movie being produced at Toho. 

Above, Shin Godzilla appears over a Toho soundstage in the video.

Information on visiting Toho Studios is included in The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan.

To see the page, go here.

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