Sunday, June 4, 2023

Rep. Tim Burchett on Government UFO Evidence

Above, the first report by the Roswell Daily Record. Photo by Armand Vaquer

The Roswell Incident of July 1947 is the most famous (or infamous) UFO story.

As it had been reported, a big lightning storm is alleged to have caused the crash of a flying saucer near Roswell and Corona, New Mexico. The military is said to have retrieved the craft and alien bodies.

The incident was originally reported in the Roswell Daily Record, then the military got into the act and began the cover-up. Despite the cover-up, the story will not go away and the city of Roswell now embraces the flying saucer story and has an annual UFO Festival in July and the Roswell International UFO Museum and Research Center.

Today, the government seems to be a bit more open about UFOs and one Tennessee congressman believes that the government has in its possession alien spacecraft.

From the Gateway Pundit:

On Friday evening Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN) joined Steve Bannon on The War Room.

Burchett spoke about the Democrat Party’s purposeful destruction of the country. Then in his follow-up segment Burchett spoke about the UFOs and how the US government is hiding evidence of alien encounters from the American public.

Rep. Burchett said he believes the US is holding onto an intact recovered alien aircraft.

To read more and see the video exchange, go here.

Above, from Stars & Stripes.

Remember folks, Keep watching the skies! 

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