Thursday, June 1, 2023

Replies To Numismatic News On Counterfeit Coins

Above, the counterfeit coins I bought last year. Photo  by Armand Vaquer.

Recently, Numismatic News asked this question:

Have you encountered or unknowingly acquired ma counterfeit coin? If so, what did you do?

They received a number of responses and all are interesting.

As readers of this blog know, last year I bought two counterfeit coins. It turned out that they originated from China and were sold through an ad on Facebook. I had my suspicions, but I took a chance anyway.

When they arrived, I gave them the magnet test. Sure enough, both coins stuck to the magnet. Silver is not magnetic, by the way.

My bank reversed the charges, so I didn't lose anything. I turned the coins over to the New Mexico McKinley County Sheriff.

To read the responses to Numismatic News's question, go here.

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