Monday, June 26, 2023

RFK Jr.: Gun Confiscation Won't End School Shootings

Above, RFK Jr. campaign photo.

The mantra of the far left of the Democrat Party is hell-bent on gun confiscation. But thanks to the constitution and recent Supreme Court decisions, they have been effectively thwarted. They keep trying, though.

One Democrat recognizes this and a Breitbart article points him out.

They wrote:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. used a townhall in New Hampshire to explain he is not going to take guns and the approach of trying to do so would not stop school shootings.

National Gun Rights Association’s Will Fite tweeted about the townhall on Saturday after RFK Jr. stressed that he is not going to take away guns.

Moreover, he pointed to the Supreme Court of the United States Bruen (2022) decision and noted it is not possible to “do anything” to secure gun control, even if someone wanted more of it.

To read more, go here

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