Sunday, June 25, 2023

Street RVers Growing

Last September, while I was in Los Angeles for a high school reunion in El Segundo, two friends and I took a drive around L.A. 

At one point, we were in the Ballona Wetlands area near LAX and Westchester and we saw rows of dilapidated RVs (think Cousin Eddie's RV in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation) parked along the roads. I also saw homeless encampments at freeway underpasses while making a separate trip to the San Fernando Valley. 

Chuck Woodbury at RV Travel asks if anyone believes that RVers living on the street are going away in an article.

He begins with:

Does anyone who studies the RV lifestyle believe that the legions of America’s poor and disadvantaged who live in dilapidated RVs on city streets will suddenly find better housing and move on? Those of us who observe the RV industry and are honest about it say “no.” The ranks of these people are growing, and the efforts of most communities to deal with the ensuing problems boils down to convincing them to pack up and move to another town.

It’s the game of “RV Hot Potato.” The tokens are junky RVs.

To read more, go here

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