Monday, June 5, 2023

Target Backing Org That Wants Mt. Rushmore Closed

The Target Corporation is backing a far-left group that advocates demilitarizing the U.S. military and closing Mount Rushmore, as a "symbol of white supremacy".

Fox News reported:

FOX NEWS INVESTIGATES – Since the George Floyd protests and riots of 2020, Target Corporation said it ramped up its diversity, equity and inclusion work. This agenda extended far beyond enhancing representation and support of historically marginalized groups externally and in its stores, and dipped into funding organizations with far-left and blatantly political agendas.

Target's "accelerated" its DEI program in response to Black Lives Matter activism under the leadership of its diversity chief – Kiera Fernandez. The chief has demanded that "White women" get to work to combat the proclaimed systemic racism in America. 

Fox News Digital found that Target, via its nonprofit foundation, which has been directed by the retail giant's senior corporate treasurers, funded a grantee pushing to shut down and give away U.S. sovereign land such as Mount Rushmore – believing it to be an "international symbol of White supremacy" and to demilitarize the "violent" U.S. military. The same grantee also supports the destruction of Israel's Jewish character through what is called the Palestinian "Law of Return" and implementing economic warfare tactics against the Jewish State, such as boycotts and sanctions, to "Free Palestine." 

 To read more, go here.

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