Friday, June 16, 2023

"Wannabe Dictator" Producer Identified

The "fit is still hitting the shan" around media outlets over the Fox News banner Tuesday night calling His Fraudulency Joe Biden a "wannabe dictator" during a split-screen broadcast of Biden and former President Donald Trump. 

The Daily Beast identified the "culprit" responsible for it.

They wrote:

The Fox News producer who authored the network’s chyron Tuesday night labeling President Joe Biden a “wannabe dictator” has parted ways with the company, two sources told The Daily Beast on Thursday.

Former Tucker Carlson Tonight managing editor Alexander McCaskill, who features prominently in a toxic work environment lawsuit by a former colleague, is no longer with the network—a topic that Carlson himself discussed in the latest episode of his Tucker on Twitter video series.

I suspect that McCaskill was going to leave Fox News anyway, so he left this "parting jesture" knowing that Fox would oust him over it. So he resigned. 

To read more, go here.

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