Sunday, June 18, 2023

We Now Are Living In A Monte Python Sketch

Here's a sketch from Monte Python's The Life of Brian from 1979.

It was recognized for the ridiculousness it actually was. Now, we're living it and the Democrat Party has adopted it as one of their positions. 

One person commented:
In 1979, this was funny because of how unreal it was.
In 2023, this is funny because of how real it has become.

Another person commented:

It's quite scary really. Even in the 90's this sort of thing was so laughable because of how utterly ridiculous it was. Obviously no sane human would ever say such things... and yet here we are, it's being systematically enforced by schools, governments, and corporations. You can literally be fired, or suspended, or arrested in some countries for not playing along with this Monty Python skit!

And, another comment:

Watching this in 2023 and still can't believe how accurate this scene is in describing today's reality. It's like traveling from the present to the past then straight back to the present.

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