Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Yellowstone Issues Wildlife Warning Following Incidents

Above, a woman taking a selfie with a bison last week in Yellowstone. How stupid can one get?

It is incredible that people have to be told to keep at a safe distance from wild animals at Yellowstone and other national parks.

In recent weeks, there have been incidents at Yellowstone in which people either got too close to bison or interfered with baby animals. A ditzy woman was seen taking a selfie with a bison. She's lucky that the bison didn't attack and gore her.

I have taken photos of bison and other animals, but they were taken with zoom lenses from safe distances.

From Yahoo! Life:

The National Park Service is warning visitors to Yellowstone National Park to respect wildlife and maintain a safe distance following a series of incidents in which people interfered with the park’s animals.

The park service warned visitors to stay away from any animal, even if it is found near a campsite, trail, boardwalk, parking lot, on a road, or in a developed area. In fact, park goers must stay at least 25 yards away from all wildlife (including bison, elk, and deer) and at least 100 yards away from bears and wolves.

To read more, go here

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