Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Beating The Heat While RVing

Above, camping at Lake Havasu where it is over 100° daily in the summer. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

It has been hot for the past several weeks. At my home in New Mexico, the temperature has been in the 90s.

I was thinking about going up to Durango, Colorado to beat the heat. But I found that the temperatures there are no better than in New Mexico. So I nixed that idea.

However, if one is about to head out in their RV during this hot summer, RV Travel has some tips on beating the heat.

They begin with:

It’s hot. Really hot. Locations across the country are setting all-time heat records this summer. Perhaps no one knows about heat better than RVers. Face it. We RVers battle the heat while living in what’s basically an oversized tin can or cardboard box. The question on all of our minds is: How can we beat the heat while RVing?

To read what they suggest, go here

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