Monday, July 31, 2023

Classic Rock Music Monday

The stuff that now passes as "music", particularly rock 'n roll, leaves me cold. So, to start off the week, here's a video of a classic rock artist.

To start off the week (and the last day of July) we have Lou Christie with his 1966 number one hit, "Lightnin' Strikes" and song that reached number 10, "I'm Gonna Make You Mine" from 1969. I was debating which song would be spotlighted, but the following video featuring both solved that problem.

"Lightnin' Strikes" brings back memories of a neighbor friend in L.A. who built a garage radio station that had a very limited broadcast range. He played this song on it. Even though his station had a limited range, it ran up the apartment building landlady's electric bill enormously and she practically did backflips when she saw the amount. She then cut the power to the garages.

From Wikipedia:

Luigi Alfredo Giovanni Sacco (born February 19, 1943), known professionally as Lou Christie, is an American pop and soft rock singer-songwriter known for several hits in the 1960s, including his 1966 US chart-topper "Lightnin' Strikes" and the 1969 number ten "I'm Gonna Make You Mine".

Although Christie is now 80, he is still active.

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