Monday, July 31, 2023

Cuba Issuing Bills Printed On One Side

Above, Cuban CUC currency no longer used. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Things must be pretty bad in Cuba when their banknotes are being dispensed from ATM machines printed only on one side.

Such is the case as reported by World Nation News.

They reported:

Many Cubans lamented on social networks that the island’s ATMs began dispensing bills printed on only one side, possibly due to a lack of ink.

Photos of the “new banknotes” circulate the network and although the regime has not ruled on the matter, a teacher said in a Facebook post by the influential Edmundo Dantes that at his school he paid with bills that had a It was white on the side.

“And then out of the blue the ATMs start giving you invisible money like the achievements of the revolution,” Dantes said in his post.

On his part, FĂ©lix Yasser Castillo Pelayo, showing a 100-peso bill with a blank side, conceded that the state “robs you even at the ATM”.

To read more, go here.

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