Thursday, July 20, 2023

Kennedy To Testify On Censorship and Weaponization

Yesterday, I received an interesting email from the Robert F. Kennedy Jr. presidential campaign. He is to testify before a House subcommittee this morning on censorship and weaponization of the federal government.

His testimony should prove to be interesting.

Here's the email:

Dear Armand,

We’re excited to announce that tomorrow morning, July 20th at 9 a.m. Eastern Time, Mr. Kennedy will testify at a House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government about the federal government’s disturbing role in censoring American citizens.

RFK Jr to Testifiy on Censorship in Congress

Mr. Kennedy’s testimony will contribute to the pushback against the rampant collusion between government agencies and tech platforms to censor speech that does not align with the interests of the Washington establishment. 

Statement from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on tomorrow’s hearing:

“Recent revelations in the Twitter Files and Missouri v. Biden show how deeply institutionalized government censorship has become. “It is dressed up in euphemisms like, ‘working with our partners in tech,’ but make no mistake, this is a systematic program to control what Americans can say and think. As such, it is antithetical to democracy. In a democracy, the people tell the government what to think, not the other way around.”

Yesterday, 102 Democrats signed a letter asking that Mr. Kennedy be disinvited from the hearing. Quite ironic to censor someone testifying at a hearing on censorship. The hearing might make interesting viewing! You can watch the livestream here.

Freedom of speech is the foundation of democracyIf you believe in the First Amendment, please chip in to make sure that this vital Constitutional right is passed down to future generations.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is one of the most censored American voices of our time. Take a moment to watch his important testimony tomorrow morning and share this email with anyone you know who cares about the issues of censorship, free speech, and democracy.


Team Kennedy

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