Tuesday, July 18, 2023

NM Gun-Grabbers Are At It Again

The Democrat gun-grabbers will be holding a legislative committee preview Tuesday of proposed bills infringing on our Second Amendment rights for the 2024 New Mexico legislative session.

PiƱon Post reported:

On Tuesday, the Legislative Courts, Corrections, and Justice Committee, chaired by Sen. Joseph Cervantes (D-Las Cruces), will preview anti-gun bills that will be reintroduced in the 2024 Legislative Session, along with new proposals that could be brought forth.

Starting at 8:35 a.m., the committee, which is meeting in Mescalero at the Inn of the Mountain Gods, will have a two-hour discussion on the 2022 New York State Rifle & Pistol Assn., Inc. v. Bruen U.S. Supreme Court case, which struck down anti-gun laws in the Empire State.

Then, the Committee will discuss proposed anti-gun laws, including banning what they deem “assault weapons,” mandating new higher age restrictions for firearm purchases, imposing waiting periods, increasing background check requirements, attacking gun manufacturers for gun-related incidents, and more.

Most of these bills failed to pass during this year's legislative session. But the Democrats aren't giving up.

To read more, go here

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