Sunday, July 30, 2023

Not Wearing Gloves While Dumping... Big Mistake!

Above, using the dump station at Malibu Creek State Park. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

There's one thing I make sure I do when emptying the motorhome's holding tanks... wearing gloves.

To me, that's just plain common sense. Who wants to get do-do on your hands?

Apparently, some people don't put on gloves before emptying their holding tanks and RV Travel has an article on why one should wear them.

They begin it with:

In this day of fastidiousness and the injection of antibacterial chemicals in nearly every product, there’s a strange movement out there: Dumping holding tanks with your bare hands. A survey at revealed that nearly one-third of our readers never or seldom use gloves when dumping.

We’ve sometimes wondered why anyone would take on this bacteriological nightmare without protection. From those that don’t use gloves, we sometimes hear the excuse, “It’s just too much bother and I can’t see much advantage to it.”

To read more, go here

1 comment:

  1. Gotta disagree with the premise of this article. When you're done just wash your hands, just like you do after using the toilet or handling garbage. If you use gloves, then the gloves are potentially contaminated and much harder to clean. Disposable gloves? Unnecessary expense, wasteful and bad for the environment. People these days are far too fearful of "getting dirty." Just use common sense and wash your hands.
