Sunday, July 9, 2023

Superman Over Broadway Street In Los Angeles

Since some of us like to find locations used in movies and television shows, this idea for this post came from a video Jim Nolt posted yesterday from "The Clown Who Cried" episode from the Adventures of Superman from 1953. 

The video shows Superman (George Reeves) flying at night (matted) over a city street. The city street was Broadway Street in the theater district of downtown Los Angeles. The street was mis-identified as Hollywood Blvd. in a book on the television show years ago.

First off, here's a screen capture of Superman flying over Broadway Street:

Next, a post card of the same location:

There are three neon signs in both photos that identify the location: United Artists Theater, Texaco and part of Eastern (green building on the left in the post card and partially obscured in both photos).

Here's the video clip in its entirety:


Superman fan/historian Lou Koza saw this post and commented at Facebook. He also posted the photo below:
Armand, This is a great topic. One I ventured into back in 2019. From right to left I pointed to details showing this city Broadway Street canyon to be the one and only match. Also note that in the "Adventures of Superman" "Texaco Shot" scene is the Western Costume Building. Feel free to add this to your Website story.


Thanks, Lou!

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