Friday, July 14, 2023

Today's Beer Run

Above, plenty of brew if one of the Jamestown Gang decides to show up. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Today, I was supposed to pick up my order of a case of Alien Amber Ale in Gallup.

Unfortunately, the distributor ran out of it and is on order. I will be able to pick up my case a week from today.

To tide me over (even though I have three bottle of Alien Amber Ale left and some of Blue Moon, I decided to try out another ale. This one is Fat Tire Ale. I am having one now. It's not bad, maybe a little weaker and a little bitter than Alien Amber Ale (at least it isn't an I.P.A.). It tastes better as I drink more of it. 

For something extra, I also picked up a six-pack of Samuel Adams lager. That is one of my favorites. I haven't had one of those for a while.

At least there's some beer for the gang here can choose from. Definitely no Bud Light here (a.k.a. hamster piss).

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