Monday, July 17, 2023

Yellowstone Bison Gores Woman

Above, a herd of bison in a Yellowstone riverside meadow. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

People tend to forget or ignore warnings that bison are wild animals and are unpredictable. They will charge people, causing injuries or death.

A woman was gored today near Lake Lodge in Yellowstone National Park. She was seriously injured and airlifted to a hospital.

The Jackson Hole News & Guide reported:

A bison gored a 47-year-old woman Monday morning in Yellowstone National Park — the first time this year that a visitor has encountered the large ungulates' horns in America's first national park. 

The woman sustained "significant injuries to her chest and abdomen" and was transported by helicopter to Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center in Idaho Falls, according to Yellowstone officials in a Monday afternoon press release.

Gorings are an unfortunate but almost annual affair in the park. 

The incident is under investigation. It is currently rutting season and bison are easily agitated during this period.

To read more, go here.

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